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Chalo bag bharo nikal pado!

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As per the annual trends in the Indian tourism industry one may feel that with the advent of June, there begins a relaxation period but the reality is exactly opposite even though the number of tours operational during this period of time goes down substantially owing to the monsoons in the Indian subcontinent. What really happens in our work environment in this period of time is that we really rack our brains to devise new things for you, we work hard to create a blueprint for the coming months so that everything pans out smoothly. So it is indeed a time of furnishing our assets and putting our development skills to good use so that you could be amazed, excited, satisfied & happy to be a part of our oncoming tours.


A few months ago I launched a brilliant idea & propelled it to its summit, the idea was something which was completely unheard of regarding the magnitude of its structure and the uniqueness of its concept which I certainly feel everyone dreamt about but never was it ever attempted to be made into a reality or in other words even put on paper as constructively as we did.5-50-5-25 which means 5 continents & 50 countries in a span of 5 years, at a cost of 25 lakhs. If you haven’t read about this then I urge you to visit our website and take a look at our entire plan which has been meticulously laid out for you. I have been a globetrotter all my life & ultimately even ended up making a successful career out of it! My travails gave me a chance to dive deep into the mentality of tourists, get a whiff of their needs, demands or wishes. All this enabled me to list out ideas at random and then all I had to do was to pick the most viable ones, the ones which could at least be scribbled on a piece of paper. Then comes the most important phase of implementing the things which have been decided upon without backing out no matter what. Yes, there are always butterflies in the stomach when one starts a new venture, idea or implements a new concept but that is not only limited to the tourism industry, it extends limitlessly in all walks of life and in every occupation-commercial or philanthropic. Success is just a byproduct of all the unadulterated hard work that you put in and success is not always equated with money, it also depends on the number of happy relationships you build along the way. It’s been only 2 years since Veena World burst out into the tourism industry and I am so happy to tell you that we’ve had tourists who have accompanied us for 4 to 5 tours! One of our tourists Mr. Prakash Diwakar met me during the senior’s special tour to Europe. A very jovial personality by nature Mr. Prakash was playfully referred to as ‘Mogambo’ on tour. He gave me a list of tours he was a part of & completely surprised me,’Mogambo’ had done 8 tours with Veena World!! Generally I had come across people who had done 3 to 4 tours with us on a routine basis but here comes a person who has completed a staggering 8 tours.’Mogambo definitely khush hua!’ So I did the math, 8 tours in 2 years that means 4 in a year. At this rate tourists can see the whole world in a few years. This thought started to create waves in ocean of my mind. Since I am a travel consultant, it is my duty to provide the right direction to any tourist who needs that guidance. People who are a part of my team like Sudhir, Sunila, Me & our tour manager Vivek Kocharekar have toured over 50 countries. Many times we ask each other as to how many countries have you seen? A systematic tackling of this question is required and that is indeed my job, to make sure that you never have a reason to feel left out while the world travels to beautiful destinations. This thought ultimately gave birth to the idea of travelling to 5 continents & 50 countries in 180 days, over a span of 5 years. And that too with a ‘Super Jumbo Discount Plan!’ The total cost of this SJDP is in fact Rs.40 lakh, however we have managed to wiggle it down to Rs.25 lakh by means of optimised advance planning which comprise of Veena World’s most popular tours at that too at a guarantee regarding the costs. The cost guarantee implies that no amount of fluctuation in foreign exchange rates, airfare, Visa fees & air fuel surcharge will affect the guaranteed cost of the tours, in other words you will not have to pay even one rupee extra, so no worries. The dates, days and seasons of these tours also have been well thought of. For those of you who wish to modify the schedule as per your convenience then even that option is available since we truly believe that flexibility is the key to every enterprise in this modern age. This plan is entirely transparent with no hidden costs whatsoever, what you see is what you get, as simple as that. For those of you who wish to explore India like never before then we have devised a 130 day tour plan for you. This plan actually costs more than Rs, 8 lakh but we have managed to bring the cost down to Rs.5 lakh in the SJDP without compromising the quality in any way whatsoever. I also wish to inform you that the price guarantee is applicable even to this plan. Now before preparing the SJDP-Continental and the SJDP-National we were aware of the fact that some of you may want certain changes in it as you may have already been to a few places featured in these plans and may want to modify it accordingly. Some of you even may want to travel to the other 2 continents and those of you interested in the SJDP-National plan may even wish to opt for tours sans air travel. I thereby wish to assure you that you don’t need to worry about any of these things since we are making suitable permutations and combinations in this regard and by the end of June everything will unfold in front of your eyes. While writing this article I received an email from a tourist who wrote that a 5 year tour plan seemed too long for his liking & he was more inclined towards a 2-3 year tour plan as it would be rather easier for him to book it quick. Well the answer to this enquiry was simple, yes its possible but only after the bigger plan sees the light of day will the smaller plans come into effect since it will be easier to chalk out the smaller versions by taking a leaf out the book of the bigger versions & that is exactly what our general manager-Shilpa More did by putting the 5 year plan on paper, which is now displayed on our website. In other words these plans are still in the generative phase and will be exhibited soon to suit each of your needs & expectations in the most optimum possible way. So this is one of the most important reasons as to why we have started working on a war-basis even after the culmination of the peak season. For more information you can always contact 887 997 2203.


Now let us come to the other reason and that is the one related to ‘July-September’. This is a period of time when children don’t have vacations and hence tourism destinations are mostly less crowded. Taking advantage of this we try to obtain the maximum amount of discount from our hotel and transport partners & because of this precise reason you shall notice that the tour rates from the months of July to September are lower by thousands of rupees. If it is possible for you then you should definitely sign up for these tours, at least for the national tours since you will truly enjoy the natural environs amidst the solitude & peace. However, July to September is considered as the super peak season for the Europe-America tours. The weather is much more pleasant and the use of overcoats, sweaters etc. can also be ruled out in some of these international destinations, therefore tourists throng to these destinations during this period of time. Indian tourists are on the decline since this isn’t the time of vacation. Days are longer hence more spots can be visited and for longer durations. South East Asia is one of most hi-speed destinations as there are so many tour options available here comprising of 4 or 3 or 2 or even a single country like Singapore or Thailand. Intricately planned tours comprising of luxurious hotels, maximum sightseeing and highly experienced tour managers make it an awesome experience altogether. The cost of these beautifully managed tours however are kept very reasonable and probably that’s the reason why these tours are fully booked always. Most of the tours in July-August are fully booked this year too.


The next more important reason which motivates us to work twice as hard even after the peak season, is the speciality tour package. On the 24th July the 25 year jubilee special tour for those couples who have celebrated 25 years of married life will be flagged off to Europe, Sudhir & I also shall be a part of this tour. The very thought of celebrating 25 years of married life in Europe is the most romantic feeling ever as Europe is the undisputed dream destination since many decades. My marketing team is more excited than me about making the jubilee special tour as special as possible for our guests. In the months of July & August I am going to be on the run with the Jubilee Special, Seniors’ Special and the Women’s Special tours to Europe, the senior’s special tour and the women’s special tour to America, my most favorite-tour to Leh-Ladakh and the senior’s special to Thailand. In addition to that the immensely popular and the ‘full in demand’ women’s special tour to Thailand which is in fact like my second home! So this is the jam packed schedule of speciality tours that we have. The excitement is not only limited to our team at Veena World but it also spreads amongst our associates, hoteliers, transporters & airline partners as ‘something to look forward to’.


The 4th important reason is the fact that from the month of June we are starting the bookings for the next season which comprises of 3 seasons in true sense of word or 3 quarters. The first being the October to December quarter which comprises of bookings for tours during Diwali, Christmas and the New Year period. However, since the duration of holidays during this period is very less compared to that of the summer vacations, we are faced with the issue of excess demand coupled with a shortage of supply. Hence, these tours get booked almost as soon as they are announced. In other words they sell like hot cakes! Our sales offices are in a competitive mode to see to it as to who packs the tours first. Last year the tours got booked so quickly that we could not accommodate many tourists after the month of August for tours slated to begin on the peak dates of Diwali. This year we have 3 types of tour to the North East (the seven sisters) -A 20 day tour, a 12 day tour & a 7 day tour. After the tremendous success of the tours to the North East in the months of March-April we have decided to take as many of you as possible to this fantastic destination. We have also arranged 2 types of tours to the current ‘branded’ state of India-Gujarat. October to March is the peak season for tours to Australia, New Zealand, Kenya & South Africa, hence we have organised a number of tours to these places too. Two of the tours to Australia & New Zealand are almost full. Bookings for the tour to Antarctica & the Northern Lights have also begun! We also have taken a majority of our Maharashtrian community to places like Kerala, Rajasthan & the Andamans. As of now the cost of the tours are quite less since bookings have just been opened but as the seats start to fill, there will be a paucity of discounts so kindly be vigilant about this fact. In the same way you will be entitled to jumbo discounts for many tours at this point of time if you pay the entire amount right away, so I urge you to avail these offers as soon as possible. It’s better to take quick decisions and plan in advance if it saves you money, isn’t it?


Friends, the 5th and the final reason for our motivation is the inclusion of short tours in our catalogue. These tours are for those of you who may have skipped a tourist destination in the past or wish to visit any specific destination for a short break of 3-4-5 days. These short tours comprise of adventure tours, wildlife tours, pilgrimages, Khajuraho dance festival, Kerala boat race, Konark Dance Festival and a variety of others too. In addition to that, there are tours to Amritsar, Varanasi, Kanha, Vaishnodevi, Pondicherry, Mysor-Shravanabelagola, Tirupati etc. Now stop reading, take a deep breath and start planning. Remember-Veena World is always there for you to implement that plan for you!

Chalo bag bharo aur nikal pado!

October 07, 2017


Veena Patil
Veena Patil

‘Exchange a coin and you make no difference but exchange a thought and you can change the world.’ Hi! I’m Veena Patil... Fortunate enough to have answered my calling some 40+ years ago and content enough to be in this business of delivering happiness almost all my life. Tourism indeed moulds you into a minimalist... Memories are probably our only possession. And memories are all about sharing experiences, ideas and thoughts. Life is simple, but it becomes easy when we share. Places and people are two things that interest me the most. While places have taken care of themselves, here are my articles through which I can share some interesting stories I live and love on a daily basis with all you wonderful people out there. I hope you enjoy the journey... Let’s go, celebrate life!

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Comments (1)

Miera Murarka
Jul 06, 2018

Hello Veena: Congratulations for your growth and creating such a milestone success in such a short time span.
I am Miera Murarka from Vancouver, Canada. I am originally Indian but lived in Canada for many years now. I am interested in joining you as a business partner since I have background in Marketing, sales, public relations, tv host, business degree and so much more. I hold a Canadian passport and have traveled widely to half of the world.
Please let me know how this is feasible?
Miera Murarka

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